What digital branding isn’t
Digital Branding isn’t all about visual identity, although it must not be overlooked. After all, this is what the consumer first interfaces with. It creates a perception of what you as a company is all about; the product or service your business revolves in as well as what your whole ethos is all about.
Start-up companies aren't really companies - well at least not yet, maybe. It's more of an experiment, a project that is teetering on a thin rope between potential success and never taking off. According to Vitaly Golomb, a venture capitalist, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author, the key activities of the company all takes place in the first years of its inception which happens at a rather fast pace. However, I think an important aspect of this is the visual identity of the core idea which could become a key player in its own niche market. The product or service must be the primary driver for the start-up's incorporation. After all, it's key offering is what determine the market share and therefore further business development which really is the ultimate goal of a company. Therefore, in the midst of all the other important activities, be it product/ technology development, inventory, ideation, strategizing, etc., do not neglect the visual counterpart of what you, even as a start-up, represents in this visual, online, marketing saturated world. In other words, consider a branding identity strategy during the early stages.
Why a brand?
A brand is more than just artistic logo and typography. More than colours and creative composition. It's a company's identity and it should communicate to the world the very purpose of the company's existence. People do not remember people's faces, well, not as well as its brand. Unless of course your brand is your face! The brand carries what you offer to the market world. It is the front of what you as a start-up is proposing and a well-designed brand conveys what your company is all about. The ideal end goal is for your brand to be remembered and well-associated with success. This why some brands are never changed, some are sold and bought for millions. The true value of your company can be reflected in the value is the customers’ perception of your visual brand. If a start-up's unique offering has potential market value, then it must have its visual counterpart. The earlier this is established in the process, the better and this does not need to cost a lot. It does, however, need to be well-designed. Many good designers need to have extensive knowledge on the subject in order to produce a work of art that has been engineered to represent the company effectively. A lot goes into designing a brand. According to Alina Wheeler, author of Designing Brand Identity, "the brand identity process demands a combination of investigation, strategic thinking, design excellence and project management skills"
For an example of a good branding design, click here.